
“To provide the global fly fishing community with products, services and resources, which are based on innovative designs and logical solutions of supreme quality”. 

And it is not for everyone.

First – allow me to elaborate on why we have decided on Salmologic as our company- and brand name. “Salmo” is the first word in the Latin description of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the brown trout (Salmo trutta) family.

Fly fishing for Atlantic salmon and brown trout is our area of expertise, which is why the design and development of our tackle primarily will be focused on this. It is no coincidence that the entire team behind Salmologic consists of a group of highly dedicated and passionate Atlantic salmon and sea run brown trout fly fishermen.

The second part of our brand name is “logic” and represents one of our main goals; to provide logical fly fishing solutions through the products and services that we deliver.

Experience does matter

I have spent my entire life fly fishing for salmon and brown trout and have acquired invaluable knowledge from decades of fishing the larger and well-known Scandinavian rivers. It has always been a huge and important part of my life, and I consider myself blessed to be able to combine my passion with my professional career.

I gave my first fly fishing/fly casting instruction in 1985 and things have steadily progressed since then. By the mid-1990s, I was instructing between 125 – 150 classes and fly fishing schools per year – all over the world. From 1997 to 2007, I had the pleasure of guiding on Iceland, not only on one river, but 32 different rivers. It was a full time job that lasted from season start to season end. It was a time in my life where I learned an incredible amount about salmon fishing. In fact, many of my fly fishing techniques and theories were inspired by this period of my life. Throughout the years I have also had the honor of being invited to give fly casting demonstrations at most of the major fly fishing shows in the world. It is always a thrill for me to share the knowledge I have acquired in my career as an avid fly fisherman, guide, professional instructor and tackle designer. In 2003, I was proud to be the first person ever to make an instructional fly fishing DVD, which has since evolved into a series of six DVDs. Today they are sold world wide in both NTSC and PAL formats. In 2006, I released a book called Fly Casting Scandinavian Style, which explains my approach to fly casting. The book is widely sold internationally and has been released in five different languages.

During the last 25 years I have been involved extensively with the design and development of fly fishing tackle for three major Scandinavian companies. At the last two companies I was Head of Design and Development. I am delighted that many of the designs that I have created are considered industrial standards today. I have always found it truly flattering when other companies copied my ideas and designs because it was evidence that I was doing something right.

There is a saying that goes “Do what you do best.” With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, and with the superior and elite Salmologic team at my side, the time has come for me to do what I do best – and what I have been aspiring to do for my entire career – to design the ultimate in terms of innovative, functional and high-quality fly fishing tackle.

I have no doubt that Salmologic will be the forerunner in the industry when it comes to fly fishing tackle, experience, inspiration and knowledge. We will continually strive to deliver the utmost and to exceed customer expectations.

The time has come for Salmologic…The New Breed.