It looks light… it feels light… and it can bend? (and it should) – However, this is still a real beast when it comes to handling larger species, like salmon, steelhead, sea run brown trout, dorado, etc.
Fishing with single hand rods is very efficient, as you tend to fish your fly better, with more finesse and a gentler, sneakier presentation. This is because you always have the line in your hand when fishing and casting with a single hand rod. Therefore, you will naturally be working both your line and especially your fly more – as opposed to what most do when fishing with double hand rods – and that is a fact.
In my point of view, single hand fly fishing for salmon should be used more, especially in those rivers where retrieving the fly in different repetitions will make the difference between a catch or no catch.
But also in the larger rivers, during those periods where the rivers are low and with less current, that is the time when this rod size and the technique that follows with it, will be the difference between a fish or no fish!
The Reborn 9’9” 20 grams/308 grains is a perfect fly fishing tool when paired with the perfect line combination for the water you are fishing.
When wet fly fishing on larger rivers, the choice should be either Logic heads or Short-cut heads, depending on the conditions and surroundings you are fishing in. Use Short-cut heads if you are forced to mainly use single hand Spey casting.
If you are fishing a river/lake where you have to retrieve a lot of line after each cast, or just have to do short casts with a bushy fly, the WF Shooter would be the right option.
Line and reel recommendation:
- WF lines – 20 grams/308 grains
- Logic heads – 20 grams/308 grains
- Short-cut heads – 20 grams/308 grains
- Logic RL. 0.028
- Salmologic reel size no. 2
Tube length: 83 centimeters